Literature. B. Scientific Works and Sources
ACNW – Drevniye kul'tury Severo-Zapadnogo Prichernomor'ya – (Rus) – Ancient Cultures of the North-Western Black Sea region (Editor-in-chief: Bruyako I.V., Samoilova T.L.) 2013. Odessa. SMIL.
AEAE – Archaeologia, Ethnologia i Antropologia Yevrazii. Zhurnal – (Rus) – Archaeology, Ethnology, and Anthropology of Eurasia. Magazine. Novosibirsk.
AISZP – Sb. Arkheologicheskie issledovaniya Severo-Zapadnogo Prichornomor’ya. – (Rus) – Ms: Archaeological researches of the North-West Pontus.
AS – Anton Scherer. 1968. Die Urheimat der Indogemanen. – (In German) – The Urheimat of Indo-Europeans. Darmstadt.
BCIA – Kratkiye soobshcheniya Instituta arkheologii – (Rus)- Brief Communications from the Institute of Archeology. Moscow. "Nauka".
BL – The Baltic languages and their Interconnections with the Slavic, Finno-Ugric and Germanic Languages. The Theses of Reports of Scientific Conference Dedicated 100 Anniversary of Academician Ja. Endzelin. Riga.
CAS – Svod arkheologicheskikh istochnikov – (Rus) – Code of Archaeological Sources.
CPCS – Kul'turnyye protsessy v tsirkumbaltiyskom prostranstve v rannem i srednem golotsene – (Rus) – Cultural Processes in the Circum-Baltic Space in the Early and Middle Holocene. Saint-Petersburg.
CS – Ms: Československá slavistika. – (In Czech and Slovak). – Czech-Slovak Slavistic.
CYIE – Chuvashskiy yazyk: istoriya i etimologiya. (Rus) – The Chuvash Language: History and Etymology.
EDRO – Sb. Etnos v doklassovom i ranneklassovom obshchestve. – (Rus) – Ms: Ethnos in the Pre-Class and Early-Class Community.
EMN – Sb. Etnogenez mordovskogo naroda.- (Rus) – Ms: The Ethnogenesis of the Mordvin people.
EEINS – Sb. Etnogenez i etnicheskaya istoriya narodov Severa. – (Rus) – Ms: The Ethnogenesis and the Ethnic History of the North people.
EFUN – Sb. Etnogenez finno-ugorskikh narodov po dannym antropologii. – (Rus) – Ms: The Ethnogenesis of the Finno-Ugric People on Data of Anthropology.
EOE – Ethnolinguistics. Onomastics. Etymology. Materials of the II International Scientific Conference Ekaterinburg, September 8–10, 2012. In 2 parts Part 1. Ekaterinburg: Ural University Publishing House.
EPI – Sb. Etnicheskie problemy istorii Tsentral’noy Azii v drevnosti. M. – (Rus) – Ms: The Ethnic Problems of the History of the Central Asia in Old Times. M.
ES – Evrei i slaviane. Tom 16. Khazary. – (Rus) – Ms: Jews and Slavs. V. 16. Khazars. Moscow – Jerusalem.
FRSN – Sb. Formirovanie rannefeodal’nykh slavianskikh narodnostey. M. – (Rus) – Ms: The Formation of the Early-Feudal Slavic Folks. M.
FS – Budushcheye nauki – (Rus) – Ms: Future of Science. Year-book. Issue 2. M.
HBK – Istoria Balkarii i Karacjaya v trudakh Ismaila Mizieva. V ttriokh tomakh – (Rus) – History of Balkaria and Karachay in Works of Ismail Miziev in threr Volumes. Nalchik. Izdatelstvo M. and V. Kotlarovs.
HCC – Horses, chariots and chariot’s drivers of Eurasian steppes.
IPO – Istoriya pervobytnogo obshchestva. M. (Rus) – The History of the Primordial Community.
IVUCY – Sb. Issledovaniya vengerskikh uchenykh po chuvashskomu yazyku. – (Rus) – Ms: The Research of Hungarian Scientists in Chuvash. Cheboksary.
K – Kiev.
KISV – Khrestomatiya po istorii srednikh vekav. – (Rus) – The Reading Book in the History of the Middle Ages.
KSS – Chochorowski Jan (Ed.) Kimmerowie, Scytowie, Sarmaci. 2004. Kraków.
LCP – Language Contacts in Prehistory. Studies in Stratigraphy. Ed. by H. Andersen. Amsterdam, Philadelphia.
M – Moscow.
MKSA – Sb. Mezhdunarodnyy kongress slavianskoy arkheologii. Tezisy dokladov sovetskoy delegatsii. – (In Russian) – Ms: The International Congress of the Slavic Archaeology. The Theses of the Reports of the Soviet Delegation. M.
MFW – Mify narodov mira. 1991-1991. Entsiklopediya v dvukh tomakh. M. – (Rus) – Mythos of the Folks of World. Encyclopedia in two volumes. M.
Ms – Miscellany.
MWM – Zbirnyk prats' i materialiv na poshanu Larysy Krushelnytskoi. (In Ukrainian) – Miscellany of Works and Materials to the Honour of Larysa Krushelnytska.
NPYK – Novye pamyatniki yamnoy kul’tury stepnoy zony Ukrainy. – (Rus) – Ms: New Sites of The Yamna (Pit) Culture of the Ukrainian Steppes.
NWPCZ – Severo-Zapadnoye Prichernomor’ye – kontaktnaya zona drevnikh kultur – (Rus) – North-Western Pontic Region – Contact Zone of Ancient Cultures.
OBY – Osnovy balkanskogo yazykoznaniya. Yazyki balkanskogo regiona. Otv. Red. A.V. Desnitskaya. – (In Russian) – Ms: The Principles of the Balkan Linguistics. The Languages of the Balkan Region. Edited by A.V. Desnitskaya.
OIY – Osnovy iranskogo yazykoznaniya. Drevneiranskie yazyki. Otv. redaktor V.S. Rastorgueva. – (In Russian) – Ms: The Principles of Iranian Linguistics. The Old-Iranian Languages. Edited by V.S. Rastorgueva. Moscow. "Nauka".
OLA – Obscheslavianskiy lingvisticheskiy atlas. Nauka. M. – (Rus) – Common Slavic Linguistic Atlas. Nauka. M.
PAPP – Problemy arkheologii Povolzh’ya i Priural’ya. – (Rus) – Ms: The Problems of the Archaeology of the Volga and Ural Regions.
PBAGS – Problemy epokhi bronzy Velikoy Stepi – (Rus) – Ms: The Problems of Bronze Age of Great Steppe.
PGP – Pam’yatki gal’shtats’kogo periodu v mezhirichchi Visli, Dnistra i Prip’yati. – (in Ukrainian) Ms: The Remains of Hallstatt Period in the Country Between Rivers Vistula, San and Prypiat.
PSA – Problemi suchasnoї arealogiї. – (n Russian) – Ms: The Problems of Modern Arealogy.
Rus – In Russian
RPJ – Russkiy filologicheskiy vestnik – (Rus)- Russian philological journal.
RA – Rossiyskaya Arkheologia. – (Rus)- The Magazine “Rusiian Archaeology”. M.
RAS – Russian Academy of Sciences
RH – Rossiyskaya istoriya – (Rus)- Russian History. Institute of Russian History, RAS. Moscow.
SA – Sovetskaya Arkheologia. – (Rus)- The Magazine “Soviet Archaeology”. M.
SLO-1 – Wind Jan, Jonker Abraham, Allott Robin, Rolfe Leonard. 1994. Studies in Language Origin. Volume 1//John Benjamins Publishing Company/ Amsterdam/Philadelphia.
SLO-2 – Raffler-Engel, von Walburga, Wind Jan, Jonker Abraham. 1991. Studies in Language Origin. Volume 2//John Benjamins Publishing Company/ Amsterdam/Philadelphia.
SPb – Saint-Petersburg.
SS – Sovetskoye Slavianovedienie – The Magazine “Soviet Slavistic”. M. – (Rus).
TC – Trade and Civilisation. Edited by Kristian Kristiansen, Thomas Lindkvist, Janken Myrdal. Cambridge University Press.
TL – The Turkic Languages. Edited by JOHANSON LARS, CSATÓ. London and New York. Routledge.
TOKY – Sb. Teoreticheskie osnovy klassifikatsii yazykov mira. – (Rus) – Ms: The Theoretical Principles of the Classification of World Languages.
UAEY – Sb. Uraloaltaistika. Arkheologiya. Etnografiya. Yazyk. (Red. Ubryatov E.I.). – (Rus) – Ms: Uraloaltaistic. Archaeology. Ethnography. Language. Edited by Ubryatov E.I.
UI – Sb. Uralo-Indogermanistika. Balto-slavianskie yazyki i problema uralo-indoevropeyskikh sviazey. Materialy 3-ey balto-slavianskoy konferentsii 18-22 iyunya 1990 g. M. – (Rus) – Uralo-Indogermanistika: The Baltic-Slavic Languages and the Problem of the Uralic-Indo-European Connections. The Materials of the 3rd Baltic-Slavic Conference 18-22 July 1990. M.
URE – Ukraїns’ka Radyans’ka Entsiklopediya. – (In Ukrainian) – Ukrainian Soviet Encyclopaedia.
VDI – Vestnik drevniey istorii – (Rus) – Herald of Ancient History.
VY – Voprosy yazykoznaniya – (Rus) – The Magazine “The Questions of Linguistics”. M.
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