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Valentyn Stetsyuk (Lviv, Ukraine)

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At right: The Irpen River.

Photo from the site

There is on the right tributary (rt) of the Irpen the town of Fastow. This name, clearly not Slavic, obviously originated from the OE fǽst «strong, hard, fast». The name of the city of Zhitomyr can be explained as «protecting border» (from the Scythians) based on OE meræ «border» and scyttan “to close, lock” or scytta “shooter” from which comes the name of the Scythians, who were good archers.

In total, more than a thousand place names have been found in continental Europe, which can have Anglo-Saxon origin. They are presented in The complete list of Anglo-Saxon place names.

According to the place names, some Anglo-Saxons, crossing the Dnieper, settled along the banks of its left tributaries Sozh and Desna, displacing the Iranians who dwelled there before. These newcomers can be associated with the emergence of the Sosnitsa variant of Trzciniec culture which was common to all Germanic tribes. The Anglo-Saxons left traces of their staying by place names on their ancestral home and the immediate environment, as well as on the territory of the spread of the Sosnitsa culture (see the map below).